"Stop thinking about your life in increments. Seconds. Minutes. Days. Look at the bigger picture and embrace whatever time you have. Don't look constantly toward the end. Enjoy the right now." - A. Meredith Walters, Butterfly Dreams
This book, y'all... it got me. It's been a while since I wrote a review. That's not because I haven't read any good books. I have. I just haven't had that urge, that need to get my thoughts and feelings out via review for so long, not until Butterfly Dreams. There were parts of this book that I loathed. There were parts of this book that I adored. There were parts of this book where I wanted to cry. There were parts of this book where I wanted to scream. This book induced so many emotions in me.
To me, this story is all about Corin and Beckett. Corin has gone through quite a bit in her young life. She has had so much trauma and loss, she feels destined for it to continue to follow her. She is convinced that she's going to be the next in line. On top of all of her fears of loss and traumatized childhood, she also has some pretty significant anxiety. She struggles greatly in social settings. When she is around people and talks, she is abrupt and honest, some may say to a fault.
"I was the murderer of chitchat. My mouth was where small talk went to die."
I found her honesty and lack of filter throughout the book refreshing. I would think Beckett did, too. There were SO many times I wanted to reach through the book and just SHAKE HER and tell her to move on, reach out, ask for help, understand what was really going on underneath. There were other times, though, where I could identify with her. I have anxiety myself and I know how easily it can take over. I also know how good it is to have good things in your life to focus on, to look forward to, which is why I was so excited and proud of her when she allowed herself to have a relationship with Beckett.
Beckett Kingsley is one of the good guys. One of the best, actually. Beckett had something really life changing happen to him and he had a choice to make. He could've chosen to succumb to those dreary depressive thoughts or he could choose to live. To look for the good in every day. He did, and he encouraged Corin to do the same.
"Being scared is never an excuse to hide. You should wake up every morning thankful you have another day to enjoy."
See?!?! Everyone needs some Beck in their lives.
"I think that you're so scared of dying that you've forgotten what it's like to live. You won't let yourself. But, Cor, I won't let you do that to yourself. Take it from a man who almost lost everything- you can't focus on the end. You have to concentrate on what's right in front of you."
Ah! Beckett is so good, and he is so good FOR Corin.
If what I've shared so far piques your interest, I urge you to read this story. I could've posted the synopsis or more details, but I don't really want to. Whenever I choose a book to read, I read very little about it before starting in. That way, I can be totally blown away or totally unimpressed. I want to see the story play out before my eyes, instead of already knowing pieces of the story. So, I apologize if you want more from this review, but know what I've said already. I wanted to strangle, hug, scream, and cheer for Corin so many times. I wanted to cry, hug, and love Beckett immensely. I want to thank A. Meredith Walters for another fabulous book. I don't think it takes the place of favorite over Clay and Maggie (also another great book- Find You In The Dark by A. Meredith Walters), but it is a definite close second!!
Here's the links if you're interested in Butterfly Dreams :)
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