Title: Sunshine & Whiskey
Author: R.L. Griffin
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Cover Designer: Silver Plum Creations
Release Date: April 21st, 2015
Sometimes the best things in life come from the unexpected. So if you lower your expectations, then you’ll never be disappointed. Sound cheesy? It is, but it's also true. Clichés come from a grain of truth…like a man with a Porsche is compensating for something, or once a cheater always a cheater—you get the idea. Sorry, I digress. I'm supposed to be telling you what this book is about.
I'm Megan Walker, a lawyer at one of the hottest boutique law firms in Atlanta. I'm on the fast track to making partner and have my entire life planned out...or I did.
We all know how that goes, right? Best laid plans and all that.
Life just threw me a couple curveballs, so I've set out to take things into my own hands. By throwing caution to the wind and getting out of my A-type personality bubble, I'm learning more about myself than I have in my twenty-seven years.
Sound like a chick flick, doesn't it?
It’s not.
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So, I've got to say two things first and foremost.... Are you ready?
#1) Thank you to the fabulous author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review. As always, I am happy to provide that and am so looking forward to your next story!
#2) this book review is being written while I'm listening to Pandora's 90s R&B station... It really is as wonderful as Mrs. Griffin makes it sound! Currently playing is some Boyz II Men! Not gonna lie- each time an artist was mentioned in this book, whether I knew the artist or not, I put a pause on the reading and went to youtube. ;)
.... Oh, no. Now Pony by Ginuwine is playing. How apt. Mmmmm, Magic!
So, let me go ahead and put this out there. I've read just about everything this author has published. It may be safe to say, I'm a big fan. I also have a serious girl crush because she lives in Atlanta, which is not even an hour from me, and I think about how freaking awesome it would be to sit down and drink a few glasses of wine (or whiskey) with her. I mean, I know after reading this book especially, I'd be around a likeminded friend!
Ok, enough of that for now-- let's focus!
If you've read Razorblade Kisses and loved it, that's fantastic...but it's nothing like this book. Please don't take that wrong or think that I disliked RBK OR Sunshine & Whiskey. I loved both. I loved that they were so vastly different, but you can totally tell the same author has written both. R.L. has this way of writing that feels like your best friend is telling you this epic story. It's always so relatable, so personable, so real. Not filled with filler words and synonyms stolen from a thesaurus to make it sound super fancy. I love that. This book is... light. Sure, it has aspects of hardship, sadness, and hurt but we don't live there when we read this book. This book has a way of touching on many different emotions, but without making you feel like you need to sob uncontrollably or hurl. I love, love, LOVE a good angsty book! However, every once in a while, I need a break. I need a book that will make me feel it, buy into the story, but fill me with more light than dark. This book definitely does that.
Following Megan and Laura's journey is so fun. I'm stupid jealous of fictional characters, but I guess that's not really that new of a feeling, haha. In this instance, I'm jealous of the adventure. I'm jealous of the traveling cross-country. I'm jealous of the traveling and having serious quality best friend time like that. I love that Megan really finds who she is now. Not the girl she was in high school, not law school or in a relationship. She finds herself on her own, then she finds someone who truly loves the person she is. Ah, Magic. And Meat. Both sound...delicious. Can't wait until there's more to read for all of the characters in this story.
This is a blissfully short review because I don't want there to be spoilers. However, I will say...Laura needs to get herself together and REALIZE! Sounds like she's got something really great and I hope she doesn't let it get away...
Also...currently listening to Let's Get Married by Jagged Edge ;)
#1) Thank you to the fabulous author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review. As always, I am happy to provide that and am so looking forward to your next story!
#2) this book review is being written while I'm listening to Pandora's 90s R&B station... It really is as wonderful as Mrs. Griffin makes it sound! Currently playing is some Boyz II Men! Not gonna lie- each time an artist was mentioned in this book, whether I knew the artist or not, I put a pause on the reading and went to youtube. ;)
.... Oh, no. Now Pony by Ginuwine is playing. How apt. Mmmmm, Magic!
So, let me go ahead and put this out there. I've read just about everything this author has published. It may be safe to say, I'm a big fan. I also have a serious girl crush because she lives in Atlanta, which is not even an hour from me, and I think about how freaking awesome it would be to sit down and drink a few glasses of wine (or whiskey) with her. I mean, I know after reading this book especially, I'd be around a likeminded friend!
Ok, enough of that for now-- let's focus!
If you've read Razorblade Kisses and loved it, that's fantastic...but it's nothing like this book. Please don't take that wrong or think that I disliked RBK OR Sunshine & Whiskey. I loved both. I loved that they were so vastly different, but you can totally tell the same author has written both. R.L. has this way of writing that feels like your best friend is telling you this epic story. It's always so relatable, so personable, so real. Not filled with filler words and synonyms stolen from a thesaurus to make it sound super fancy. I love that. This book is... light. Sure, it has aspects of hardship, sadness, and hurt but we don't live there when we read this book. This book has a way of touching on many different emotions, but without making you feel like you need to sob uncontrollably or hurl. I love, love, LOVE a good angsty book! However, every once in a while, I need a break. I need a book that will make me feel it, buy into the story, but fill me with more light than dark. This book definitely does that.
Following Megan and Laura's journey is so fun. I'm stupid jealous of fictional characters, but I guess that's not really that new of a feeling, haha. In this instance, I'm jealous of the adventure. I'm jealous of the traveling cross-country. I'm jealous of the traveling and having serious quality best friend time like that. I love that Megan really finds who she is now. Not the girl she was in high school, not law school or in a relationship. She finds herself on her own, then she finds someone who truly loves the person she is. Ah, Magic. And Meat. Both sound...delicious. Can't wait until there's more to read for all of the characters in this story.
This is a blissfully short review because I don't want there to be spoilers. However, I will say...Laura needs to get herself together and REALIZE! Sounds like she's got something really great and I hope she doesn't let it get away...
Also...currently listening to Let's Get Married by Jagged Edge ;)
R.L. Griffin published her first book in 2004. After that she focused on practicing law. A few years ago she began writing the By A Thread series, which is out now. Her goal is to keep readers on their toes, whether it's the plot twist or the book itself, her books are outside any box. There is a little bit of grit in most of her books and a ton of cussing. Most books are enjoyed better with a glass of wine, or whiskey, whatever your poison may be.
She lives in Atlanta with her husband, kid and dogs. She loves to travel and meet readers.
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