Title: Absolution
Author: Amanda Dick
Book Tour: March 30- April 3
Hosted by: SBB Promotions
Review Time!!!!!!
Absolution was thought provoking for me, in the sense that I frequently caught myself putting myself in the roles of each of the characters (Ally, Jack, Callum, and Tom) and how I might respond if I were them. Tom seemed the most level-headed of them all. Naturally, I'm sure that's partially because of the age difference but I also think it's just part of the heart of that character. Tom was loving, accepting, he never turned his back on his family, but he also made sure to do right by those who were hurting. Callum-- where do I even begin with him? Towards the beginning of the book, I was so frustrated with him. He was so unyielding, unforgiving, and...harsh. But, I think Callum might have taken the loss of Jack harder than anyone expected and didn't really know how to deal with that pain. By the end of the book, I found myself in love with his loyalty and fierce protective nature. Any girl would be lucky to have that in a partner. Any girl, but Ally because her heart had already been spoken for.
Ally has gone through so much in her short life. She's fallen in love, and had her heart and body broken. Through it all, she shows true happiness, despair, anger, determination, hopelessness but hopeful, strength and courage. She's so self-critical of herself which usually annoys me in a book. However, in this book, and with this situation- it feels like reality. It feels like truth and real worries and thoughts I'd have if I were in her shoes. What I love most about Ally, perhaps, is her ability to love and forgive. Everyone was so surprised with Ally and how quickly she responded, and wanted to accept Jack back into her life. I wasn't though. I could feel, through this book, the true love that Jack and Ally shared.
You could feel the guilt and remorse in Jack for his actions. No one is more critical of Jack than Jack, even though some may not see that or agree. Ally is the only one who can free Jack from the torment he's experienced for the last four years. Ever since the accident, he can't move on, he can't forgive himself. He goes from place to place, punishing himself, trying to find a way to make him forget or numb the pain. With some devastating news, he returns back to the place he ran away from, and the family he left behind. It's a hard reality Jack faces when he comes back, but he faces it with renewed determination to make things right, this time around. He falls in love with Ally all over again, wondering how he could've ever left her. He doesn't see all the things she's self-conscious about, all he sees is her beauty, courage and strength.
Overall, I enjoyed this book. It seemed like parts of it were slower than others and I got really annoyed and frustrated with some of the characters at times, but that's got to be a sign of a pretty good author, right? Definitely add this one to your TBR!
Amanda Dick is a night-owl, coffee addict, movie buff and music lover. She loves to do DIY (if it's not bolted down, she'll probably paint it, re-cover it or otherwise decorate it) and has tried almost every craft known to man/womankind. She has two sewing machines and an over-locker she can't remember how to thread. She crochets (but can't follow a pattern), knits (badly) and refrains from both as a public service.
She believes in love at first sight, in women's intuition and in following your heart. She is rather partial to dark chocolate and believes in the power of a good vanilla latte.
What lights her fire is writing stories about real people in trying situations. Her passion is finding characters who are forced to test their boundaries. She is insanely curious about how we, as human beings, react when pushed to the edge. Most of all, she enjoys writing about human behaviour - love, loss, joy, grief, friendship and the complexity of relationships in general.
After living in Scotland for five years, she has now settled back home in New Zealand, where she lives with her husband and two children.
Thanks so much for posting, and for your lovely review :) Glad you enjoyed the book! I would also love it if you'd please post this review on Amazon.com - it really would help so much. Thank you, and hope our paths cross again :)