"I stared at the girl reflected in the glass and my lip curled in disgust. She was beautiful; flawless golden skin, long blond hair, cornflower blue eyes...a most impressive disguise. The creation of utmost evil."-Tillie Cole, Heart Recaptured

I was generously provided an ARC for an honest review of Heart Recaptured, and I am so happy and proud to provide my review on this 5 star book! I had high hopes for this book since I loved It Ain't Me Babe so much, and this one definitely lived up to and surpassed my expectations. It's hard to find the right words to describe this book. I have been looking for a good MC series to get sucked into, but haven't had much luck...until now. This series is like Sons of Anarchy meets... something that hasn't been created yet (i.e., radical cult life). Regardless, this story line... I think it'd be great just with Hade's Hangmen, but I really enjoy the added aspect of The Order. I enjoy the vast different lifestyles of the two organizations, yet they do have some similarities (though both would deny they had any). Before I get any further, I've got to add in who I'd picture playing Lilah and Ky. Typically, Candace will do this in her reviews, but I'm doing it too this time :)
Here's who reminds me of Lilah...
And here's who reminds me of Ky...
Right? Right. So, Lilah... oh, Lilah. There are so many times I just want to shake her, hug her, laugh with her, and cry for her. Lilah doesn't know anything of the world she's just been thrust into. She knows what she knows and is devout in her beliefs and her religion. It is the only life she's known, it is the life she feels she was born to lead, regardless of the things that have happened to her in her past.She believes she is the cursed, the wicked temptress, that the devil uses her natural gorgeous looks to tempt others into doing unholy things. This creates self-loathing and disgust for Lilah and it just makes your heart hurt for her!

Ky falls right into that trap. From the moment Ky first saw Lilah, his jaw hit the ground. Lilah, in those blue eyes and that blond hair (even in her headress), small waist, and fat lips truly defines the perfect woman for Ky. Not that Ky has ever had any intention of settling down with one old lady. He smokes, he drinks, he parties, he spends quite a bit of time with his lady friends, usually 2 at the time. Little does Ky know how much his world is going to change when he, as 2nd to Styx, goes into that commune to save Mae and her two sisters.
Lilah is intrigued by Ky too, though neither of them want to admit it at the beginning. Ky thinks Lilah is drop dead gorgeous, Lilah thinks Ky is perfectly cut and someone who can and will keep her safe. He's strong, he's a fighter, he's a protector, he's everything she's never known but creates a feeling in her that she's meant to know him more.
Ky is given the task to watch out for Lilah, to teach her about the world on the outside, without touching her. Styx puts a lot of faith in Ky, trying to help him make up for the shaky start Ky had with Lilah. Ky's not thrilled about his new job, especially the no touching part, and neither is Lilah. If it were up to her, she'd just stay locked in the little apartment above the bar, trading one prison for another. But, Ky gets her out and in the world, piece by piece and shows her what life can really be like on the outside...
There's a lot more in this book that I could go into detail about: the how of how the pilgrim girl and Ky became a thing, updates on Styx and Mae, oh and then there's Rider... ahem, Prophet Cane. There's so much to read, so much to love! I strongly encourage you to read this series... it's blood, it's guts, it's glory, it's fear, it's pain, it's loathing, but it is also love. True, gut-wrenching, soul-saving love and it'll totally be worth every minute! Check out the story of Ky and his Sweet Cheeks!