Title: Felix (5th Street, #5)
Author: Elizabeth Reyes
Genre: NA | Contemporary Romance
Release Date: November 13, 2014
They say the only good thing about hitting rock bottom is that it can't get any worse . . . or can it?
World famous boxing champ, Felix Sanchez, had it all—the fame, the fortune, and all the women any man could ask for. When the hours of partying followed by hours spent in court and in rehab begin to outnumber the hours he spends training, losing his title comes as no surprise to everyone. The world assumes he deserved to lose it.
Only those closest to Felix know the real truth behind his sudden downward spiral. And if Felix has his way, no one else ever will. With an uncertain future ahead of him, he heads back to his roots—5th Street—the gym that started it all for him. It's where he meets the humble but mighty little Ms. Ella.
The only times Felix had ever decided to forgo the usual meaningless fling and try a real relationship he was burned badly. Now the adorable but tenacious self-defense instructor has him considering this love thing one more time.
Then just when he begins to worry that his past is letting his possessive and jaded heart get the best of him, he's blindsided in the most brutal way—he's brought to his knees—to what could be the one low in his life he may never recover from.
Felix still had his eyes fixed on the impressive "Mighty Little Ms. Ella."
For someone Hector considered typical, she hadn't done even one of the flirtatious things he was so used to from girls: the fluttering lashes, nervous laughs, or even the twirling of her hair in her fingers. She'd looked him square in the eyes without losing her poise even for a second.
~Review Time!~
To begin, I have to thank the wonderfully talented Elizabeth Reyes! I was provided with an ARC of Felix to then provide an honest review. This book was bittersweet for me. It was good, it proved to me (and the rest of the reading world) that Felix could be that great, thoughtful guy that I knew he could be from book one! I have been waiting for this book, especially since Gio. I am 100% Team Gio and Bianca, but man- my heart kinda hurt for Felix! Granted, he didn't do his best on reassuring Bianca and treating her like he has Ella now, but boy was he a romantic and sweetheart deep down! I had a lot of high hopes for this book and expectations after waiting so long for it to come about! I really enjoyed the read, but I also wanted a little bit more. Felix won my heart, hands down in this book. Ella, on the other hand... I just couldn't get behind her. I'm all for the ordinary girl stealing the heart of the badass fighter, but I just didn't buy into her too much. And seriously, if you have FELIX, why keep talking to that jerk, Grayson?! That's probably what bothered me the most. Ella's relationship with Grayson. I mean, I get that he helped Memo. I get that he patrolled her house. Yes, those are great things, things that Ella was very appreciative of, but it doesn't warrant her to keep talking to him on the phone, or seeing him at the gym, when she's in a relationship with someone else, especially someone like Felix! I don't know, it just didn't seem right to me. Grayson wasn't really a good guy, either. It might be different, staying somewhat friends with him, if he was respectful of Ella's relationship, or if he was a good guy. Him yelling at her and flying off the handle at the littlest things... not the type of person I want to be with, or be friends with for that matter. Yes, yes- he came back at the END OF THE BOOK to tell Ella he respects her choice, but come on- by that point, what other option is there?! Ella and Felix had survived something HUGE, together... of course she's going to pick Felix, stay with Felix, love Felix- he's the best thing that has ever happened to her.
Ok, enough bagging on Grayson. We all get the point, right? Thank goodness Ella wasn't dumb and chose him instead! My absolute favorite part of this book was Disney. The first time Felix took Ella to Disney. It just felt like a fairy tale. It felt magical and full of love and wonder. It made me insanely jealous of a situation in a fictional book! It was so thoughtful, loving, and selfless on Felix's part. It was exactly what you want to read about in a book. Ella and Felix went through a lot. They survived a lot. They made a deal and both intended to follow through.
Pick up your copy soon! <3
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✿ About Elizabeth ✿
"I write because I must. It's not a choice or a pastime, it's an unyielding calling and my passion." ~Elizabeth Reyes~
USA Today Bestselling Author, Elizabeth Reyes continues to answer her calling on a daily basis. Since releasing her debut novel FOREVER MINE (MORENO BROTHERS #1) in 2010 she has since published six more in that series, FOREVER YOURS, SWEET SOFIE, WHEN YOU WERE MINE, ALWAYS BEEN MINE, ROMERO and MAKING YOU MINE, with more stories about the Moreno family and their friends to come. She's also published a second series, 5th Street which includes, NOAH, GIO, HECTOR, ABEL. FELIX the fifth in the series is scheduled to release November 13th 2014. Her Moreno Brother's spinoff series FATE includes FATE, & BREAKING BRANDON, there is also more of this series still to come. Her latest release and first in a brand new series is DESERT HEAT about the diverse but equally sexy Santiago Brothers living in Las Vegas.
When she's not writing (which is rare)she spends as much time as she can with her husband of over twenty years, two teen children, Great Dane, Dexter and big fat lazy cat, Tyson.
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