Aleatha Romig
Release Date: April 11

Aleatha, Aleatha, Aleatha- the woman knows how to end a book with some suspense!!! Each book in this series leaves me with more: more questions, more excitement, more angst, more thrill! This book was no different. Page for page, I couldn’t wait to find out what other shoe was going to drop. I couldn’t wait to know what new bit of the story Roman was going to learn, how he was going to include Lucille, and how the two of them would address it together. I love how the relationship between these two characters have grown. Let me say now, if you haven’t read the series from book 1, please do! It is a must to really understand what’s going on and I would hate for this story to be spoiled for you. This review will be spoiler free because I want that for all my reviews but I do reference the story line some and I don’t want to reveal anything you need to discover for yourself!
Having said that, I just really enjoy watching these characters grow and develop. I’ve enjoyed watching their relationship together change in the best way but I’ve also loved seeing each individual really come into their own in their royal and personal roles. Lucille, especially in this book, has really turned into a woman who is strong and unafraid, unyielding in her pursuit of knowing her own worth and wanting others to see it too. I LOVE that. Roman has truly dedicated himself to the task at hand which is so interesting to see happen and has kept me on pins and needles to know how it’s all going to play out for him. The Queen and Isabella have also raised more questions for me after reading this book. Then there’s some characters who just continue to make me ill!
Overall, this was another wonderful installment in this series and I am so glad I had the opportunity to read it. I am so sad there is only one book left of this story, but you can make sure the second that book hits my kindle, the pages will start flying!! Bring it on Ms. Romig!

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