Sunday, August 15, 2021

Give Me a Reason by A.L. Jackson

 “It’d be heaven gettin’ you for one minute while on my way to Hell.” - A.L. Jackson, Give Me A Reason

This book, y’all. I can’t wait for the rest of the world to be able to read it. I’ve fallen in love for forever with Trent and Eden. The book carried so much passion, angst, love, drama, good feelings, broken feelings, frustrated feelings, and all the feelings in between! Let’s just say I was really in my feels during this whole freaking book!

Trent and Eden are incredibly well written characters. They felt like real friends’ lives you were watching unfold. 

One thing I loved most about the book is  after Eden decides for herself what she wants, she fully and completely goes after it. She doesn’t have a shred of concern for anyone else’s questions or potential judgment. She is fierce and strong and it was a slow burn for me on how much I fell for her as the heroine but once she committed (even just in her mind), I fell leaps and bounds for her. She’s the type of woman you look at and feel envious of because she’s obviously beautiful but also just so…sure. She’s sure of her feelings, of her wants, her desires, and no one is going to stand in her way. I freaking loved her. Until I wanted to shake her. Until she questioned it. But I understood. How could she not? Grief does things to a person. Then I realized in a great big way how much of a bad a** she was and I still loved her for all the reasons I listed before!

And then there’s Trent. Lawd, y’all. 🔥🔥🔥🔥 The man stole my heart, the way only a great fictional hero can. He’s overcome so much, been through so much, done so much, somehow lacks confidence but isn’t insecure. He just needs someone to show him he’s worthy, he’s good, he’s worth the risk. He’s a man so of course there’s times throughout the book I roll my eyes and wonder how dumb he can be, but then… he pulls on those freaking heart strings again and your heart breaks for him and falls in love with him again all over. Oh my goodness and watching him with Gage?! 😭❤️

And that twist?!? Oh. My. Gosh. I didn’t see it coming. I usually pride myself on my ability to “see it coming” but this one… got me all twisted up inside! So many mixed feelings. So many reactions! Just so…much! 

It was so good. So freaking good. I cannot wait for Jud (especially) and Logan’s stories.

Thank Oh and that epilogue?! Perfection!

Until then, happy reading my friends!! 

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